Partner Massage

Spend Quality Time with Your Partner

Intimacy and touch are basic human needs. Communication is improved through a playful symbiotic flow. These techniques, once learned in a relaxed, peaceful, and fun setting can then be practiced at home to improve communication.

The practice involves stretches, conscious breathing, and massage. We integrate techniques that will stimulate energies, channel your own circulation, sharing the more subtle language between partners. Sensual massage techniques based on Tantric Shiatsu and intimate touch empower the couple to direct circulation and energy through each others bodies.

Massage Treatment by Lisa Trivell

Class Itinerary

Class 1: Head to toe, scalp massage, back massage with partner on their side, meditation

Class 2: Spoon, tummy massage, breathing, pelvic massage.

Class 3: Reflexology and shoulder massage

Each class is 2 hours in length. Classes may be purchased individually or as a plan. No previous experience necessary. Couples and singles with a friend are welcome.

Lisa Trivell Painter

Healing & Visual Arts

Lisa Trivell has a vast background in the Healing and Visual Arts and has been a Meditation Instructor for over 20 years. She has created art for hotels, hospitals and airlines. Her goal is to invigorate the senses and enhance environments through prints, painting and art videos.

Commissions & Collaborations

Easy steps in commissioning your own work. You will talk with Lisa to determine your individual or event needs. A deposit of ½ of the total price to get started and the balance when completed (6-12 weeks). Lisa also collaborates with art galleries and event producers to create an immersive experience.

Lisa Trivell Healer Artist